Zen-Shiatsu is a massage of Asiatic origin. The word "shiatsu" is a compound of shi, meaning "fingers" more atsu "pressure". In truth, not only fingers, but also the whole hand, knuckles, elbows, feet and knee are used in certain cases. Treatment with this technique then consists in performing pressures centered along the whole body on channels that carry energy called meridians. Unlike traditional Shiatsu or reflexology, Zen Touch is NOT painful- in fact, you should never feel even slight discomfort.
Chi, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is a vital energy flowing through the body called meridians by channels. When something disrupts and impedes the flow, ailments occur. Shiatsu tries to clear the blockages, permiting a free and natural flow of energy.
Shiatsu can help with different types of problems, not only physical but also emotional. But also it is a good method of preventive medicine because this massage technique, stimulates the immune system and the natural healing power of the human body. In addition, together it stimulates a comprehensive balance of body and mind- the explicit purpose of Zen Touch is to rebalance the energy of the recipient of the massage and to ensure that it is flowing in a balanced and healthy manner.